

混凝土 setting time testing is beneficial to identify various stages of the concrete's hardening process. Measuring the concrete with set time tools determines various effects such as: temperature, 混合的比例, hardening of concrete and additions to the settings. Knowing the set time will help to determine when the concrete has fully hardened. The term “initial set” is the semi-hardened, partially hydrated condition of the concrete beyond which it can no longer be worked.

洪堡 provides products to help measure the setting time of the concrete. Shop 洪堡's selection of Pocket 透度计, 渗透 Resistance Apparatus and Acme贯入仪 for accurate and simple tracking of concrete set times. If you have questions or need help selecting equipment, please call us at 1.800.544.7220或使用我们的 问洪堡 form.


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